Arama: ile dilediğini tasarla ile hemen her şeyi ve istediğiniz şekilde tasarlayabilirsiniz, ister hazır örneklerden yola çıkın yada sıfırdan tasarlayın. ile tasarımlarınızı GoogleDrive, Dropbox, OneDrive veya lokal Diskinizde saklama imkanı veriyor. Jira ve hemen her uygulama ile entegre edebilir veya uygulamanıza mevcut Sitenize gömebilirsiniz. Denemek için buraya tıklayınız.

Neleri tasarlayabilirim?

  • - BPMN diyagram
  • - Mockup tasarımı
  • - UML diyagramı
  • - Network diyagramı
  • - İş akış şemaları
  • - Ağaç diyagramı
  • - Zihin haritaları
  • - İlişki diyagramları
  • - Gantt Şeması
  • - Kabinet tasarımı
  • - Sıra diyagramı

Ücretsiz tasarım araçları

BPMN 2.0 editör

Web sitenizde BPMN 2.0 şemalarınızı online oluşturmak & görüntülemeniz için bu uygulamayı kullanın. İhtiyaca göre bpmn-js (Java) olarak indirebilir ve uygulamanıza doğrudan gömebilir. Ayrıca kendi tasarım aracınızı geliştirme imkanlarından faydalanabilirsiniz. Hemen dene

DMN 1.1 editör

Eğer karar şemaları yani DMN diyagramları oluşturmak isterseniz, karar tablolarınızı veya hazır ifadelerinizi görüntülemek için dmn-jskullanın. Yine BPMN 2.0 da olduğu gibi DMN editörü uygulamanıza gömebilir ve daha sonra ihtiyacınıza göre özelleştirebilirsiniz. Denemek için buraya tıklayınız.

CMMN 1.1 editör

Web sitenizde CMMN 1.1 (Vaka tasarımı) diyagramları oluşturmak  veya görüntülemek için bu aracı kullanabilir yine aynı şekilde cmmn-jsindirebilir veya bu editörü uygulamanıza gömebilirsiniz. Uygulamayı indirmek veya daha fazla bilgi için buraya denemek için buraya tıklayınız.

BPMN diyagramlarınızda ortak çalışmak ister misiniz?

BPMN diyagramlarınızı ekibinizle birlikte tasarlamak, tartışmak ve paylaşmak için ücretsiz Cawemo'yu deneyin. Mevcut BPMN diyagramlarını kolayca yükleyebilir veya doğrudan tüm tasarımlarınızı Cawemo'dan oluşturabilirsiniz - Şimdi ücretsiz deneyin.


qdPM, a Project Management Solution

qdPM Extended is not only Open Source, it’s Open FqdPM Extendedramework


qdPM is suited for any industry.  Apart from defining entities such as Projects, Tickets, Tasks, and Discussions, the rest is basically up to you to configure.

Does not matter if you are web developers, a digital agency, event managers, film makers, recruiters, architects, builders, interior designers, you name it, as long as you are managing a project you can manage it using qdPM Extended.


qdPM can be configured to support any project management methodology.  Whether you are using a traditional methodology such as Waterfall development methodology  or an iterative approach such as Agile, qdPM Extended can support you.
In fact, if you are just making it up as you go along or if every project is different, it’s no problem. qdPM Extended supports the concurrent use of multiple methodologies. Creative wants to be Agile and you want to be Waterfall?  No problem.  Marketing is managing Events and you are managing a Store Fit out?  Not an issue.
And if worse comes to worse, being an open source project management solution, if it does not do what you need it to do, you can change it so that it does. Or you get us to do it.


Unlike other Project Management solutions, qdPM does not create separate registries to manage risks, issues, changes, backlogs and tasks.  Everything is a Task.
Utilizing the Task definition tools, Task labeling allows for management not only of standard methodology tasks but also other “tasks” such as product backlogs and reviews as well as change and issue registers. In addition to simple task labeling, the ability to group tasks into Phases, construct Parent/Child tasks and assign a task to a Version (release) allows for a level of multi-dimensional task management that is unsurpassed.


Tickets are one of the key differentiators between qdPM Extended Open Source Project Management and other solutions.
If the core project management tools are viewed as a walled garden then Tickets can be seen as a way of communicating over the wall.
While traditionally used as a way for customers to report defects or request changes, Tickets are also a way to manage a pipeline of ideas to feed into a product backlog or in fact BE the product backlog.  One Ticket can linked to an umlimited number of Tasks and vice versa creating a network of activity to enhance information flow.


Collaboration is about talking and listening.  qdPM allows for this via Comments.  Projects, Tickets and Tasks can all have comments added.  In addition, they can all have related Discussions that sit outside the comment structure.
Collaboration is about sharing information.  Projects, Tickets, Tasks, Comments and Discussion can all have Attachments .  In addition all Projects can have a Wiki.
No need to additional CMS/Intranets.


qdPM Extended is a global product and has been translated into many languages. Current told is 27 including Russian. You can collaborate in your own language!

E-Commerce made easy


OpenCart is a turn-key ready “out of the box” shopping cart solution. You simply install, select your template, add products and you’re ready to start accepting orders.

It has order management and multiple payment gateways already built in and we provide lifetime free support and free software updates.


  • Open Source
  • Documentation
  • Unlimited Categories
  • Unlimited Products
  • Unlimited Manufacturers
  • Templatable
  • Multi-Language
  • Multi-Currency
  • Product Reviews
  • Product Ratings
  • Downloadable Products
  • PCI Compliant
  • Automatic Image Resizing
  • Multiple Tax Rates
  • Related Products
  • Unlimited Information Pages
  • Shipping Weight Calculation
  • Discount Coupon System
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Unlimited Module Instance System
  • Backup & Restore Tools
  • Printable Invoices
  • Sales Reports
  • Error Logging


Related Links:

OpenCart Homepage |  Demo Page  |  Download  (latest Version /2.0.0)  | Documentation  |  Community Forum |  Support&Contact

ProcessMaker, BPM





ProcessMaker is a cost effective and easy to use open source business process management (BPM) or workflow software application. Workflow software such as ProcessMaker can assist organizations of any size with designing, automating and deploying business processes or workflows of various kinds.

ProcessMaker workflow software features an extensive toolbox which provides the ability to easily create digital forms and map out fully functioning workflows. The software is completely web based and accessed via any web browser, making it simple to manage and coordinate workflows throughout an entire organization – including user groups and departments. ProcessMaker workflow software can also interact with other applications and systems such as ERP, business intelligence, CRM and document management.

Subject matter experts and business analysts choose ProcessMaker as their workflow software solution because they can accomplish more and communicate with their technical teams more efficiently. System administrators select ProcessMaker as a workflow software solution because they don’t have to spend a lot of time programming, thanks to its intuitive point and click interface and end users prefer ProcessMaker because it is so easy to use.

ProcessMaker is extremely efficient, lightweight and has one of the lowest overheads of any workflow software in the industry. With the additional benefit of it being open source, ProcessMaker Enterprise clients can take advantage of a fully supported, high quality BPM suite. Customers on 5 continents, through 17 different languages and across a variety of industries including manufacturing, telecommunications, finance and government, healthcare and education are using ProcessMaker workflow software.

With business processes governing more complex relationships and interacting with many different business systems, companies need an easy way to manage and improve their processes. Several factors make it difficult to manage these processes in human resources, finance, compliance, and other business functions.

  • Paper-based processes and business system silos prevent information and approvals from passing across departments easily
  • Limited IT (internal or outsourced) resources burdened by complex system installations that require too much time and trouble-shooting and by an ongoing assault of help desk requests.
  • Difficult-to-define business problems. When different stakeholders have different views of a problem and the description and scope of the problem often changes, finding a solution through a traditional linear process may not be possible.

For workers in organizations that must process and manage a heavy workload of requests as part of their job, workflow software helps them handle those requests more efficiently and quickly.

  • Improved communication and resolution of requests with and from other departments and customers. Web-based, form-driven processes and graphical drag-and-drop workflow maps automate processes and radically reduce paperwork, so business users can easily and quickly complete their tasks.
  • IT staff can be used more efficiently. Simple deployment and development means that technology managers can quickly get the software up and running without spending a lot of time with complex and unreliable installations. Business managers can create and modify established workflows, so changes can be completed more quickly with minimal IT involvement.
  • Continuous improvement of business processes. Designed for an adaptive approach, where technology and business managers work together to target problem processes for improvement in the larger stream of business activities. Workflows automated with ProcessMaker become consistent, repeatable, and measurable, so processes can be continuously refined and adapted to new conditions.

Functional specification

Process Designers need features and tools that make it extremely simple to build and maintain business processes: Read more…